Types of Hair Transplant in Detail


understanding the types of hair transplants available is crucial for deciding the right path for your hair growth journey. From traditional methods that have been refined over decades to more modern techniques that have come a long way in enhancing efficacy, each procedure offers a unique approach to solving hair loss. Whether you’re leaning towards the reliability of the classic methods or are inclined to explore the advanced capabilities of newer technologies, the decision must align with your personal needs and expectations. Having personally navigated these options, I found that an informed choice, deeply rooted in an understanding of each method’s potential to restore and rejuvenate, made a significant difference in my own experience.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular Unit Transplantation, often referred to as FUT, is a traditional hair transplant procedure where a strip of scalp is removed from the donor area at the back of the head. This strip is then carefully dissected into individual grafts. This technique is particularly effective for those experiencing extensive hair loss, as it allows the transplantation of a large number of follicles in one session. Although it may leave a linear scar, this can typically be hidden under longer hair. Considered an older method of hair restoration, FUT is still widely recommended for certain cases due to its efficiency in handling severe hair loss scenarios.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is often considered the gold standard for hair transplant procedures, and for good reason. This technique involves extracting individual follicles from the scalp using a precise punch tool. Unlike traditional methods, FUE is a minimally invasive surgical restoration process, resulting in small, unnoticeable scars. This is particularly ideal for patients who prefer shorter hairstyles and are concerned about the visibility of scars.

The recovery period is notably shorter when compared to FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), primarily due to the absence of a linear scar. This absence is a significant advantage, allowing a quicker return to daily activities without obvious signs of surgery. At Crown Clinic, we highly recommend this technique as it provides the safest, most effective, and natural-looking results.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

Direct Hair Implantation, commonly referred to as DHI, employs a specialised implanter pen to provide precise control over the depth, angle, and direction of each implanted hair, ensuring a natural-looking hairline and density.This method reduces the time the extracted follicles spend outside the body, enhancing their survival rate and improving the overall accuracy of hair placement.

DHI is particularly suited for those seeking precise, minimal sessions due to its technique, making it ideal for smaller procedures that focus on key areas of the scalp. Drawing from years of hair restoration expertise, I’ve observed that DHI not only supports high survival rates of hair follicles but also contributes significantly to a patient’s confidence by restoring their hair naturally and effectively.

Robotic Hair Transplant

When considering a hair transplant, understanding the nuances of each method can significantly shape your decisions. The Robotic Hair Transplant specifically utilizes a robotic system that combines advanced robotic technology with the principles of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). This technology, guided by the surgeon, automates the extraction and placement of hair follicles.

Particularly beneficial for patients requiring a large number of grafts, this method helps prevent over harvesting which can be a risk with manual FUE. While it’s currently one of the more expensive options in hair transplantation, many find the precision and efficiency of the robotic option to be worth the investment. As someone deeply involved in the developments of medical technology, witnessing the evolution of these techniques has been both fascinating and encouraging for future advancements in patient care.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Scalp Micropigmentation, often abbreviated as SMP, is a non-surgical alternative to traditional hair transplant techniques. This cosmetic procedure uses tattoo-like pigmentation to mimic the appearance of hair. It is especially beneficial for individuals with thinning hair or those looking to conceal scars. SMP does not enhance hair density through regrowth; instead, it creates the illusion of a fuller head of hair by adding pigmentation to balding areas.

This technique offers distinct advantages such as immediate results, minimal recovery time, and no potential for scarring, making it a suitable choice for those whose personal preferences or medical conditions may preclude them from opting for more invasive procedures. Given the extent of hair loss and the individual’s specific needs, SMP can be a tailored solution that effectively addresses cosmetic concerns with minimal disruption to daily life.

How does hair transplantation work?

Is Hair Transplant Permanent

Hair transplants are procedures where individual hair follicles are moved from a donor site to a recipient site on the scalp. This method is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, where hair follicles from genetically resistant areas of the scalp are transplanted to balding areas. There are two main methods of harvesting hair follicles:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). After the cosmetic surgery, the scalp may be tender, and the patient may need medications to alleviate pain and swelling. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to prevent infections. It’s common for the transplanted hair to fall out within a few weeks, but new growth will typically start to appear after a few months. The success of hair transplantation greatly depends on the skill of the surgeon and the quality of the donor hair. When done successfully, the new hair will grow in a natural growth pattern and can provide a permanent solution to hair loss.

Significance of FUE hair transplant procedure:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a key procedure in combating early phases of baldness, involves the extraction of hair grafts directly from the donor region. Unlike the traditional Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), which often leaves a scarred donor area, FUE ensures the scarring is practically undetectable, presenting a significant benefit for those seeking a less invasive option. This procedure can precisely target smaller quantity of grafts, typically between 2000–2500, ideal for enhancing facial hair, including beard, moustache, and eyebrows.

The outcomes of FUE are not only aesthetically pleasing but also nearly undetectable, offering a refined look without overt signs of the surgical intervention. As someone who has witnessed numerous transformations firsthand, the refined precision of this method has consistently impressed clients, particularly those cautious about visible scarring.

Combination technique of FUT and FUE and its significance

In the realm of hair restoration, the combination technique of FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) stands out for its ability to harvest a maximum number of hair grafts, effectively addressing even extensive balding patterns like those found in Norwood grade VI or VII cases.

This approach synergizes the strengths of both methods: FUT allows the harvest of a substantial volume, typically between 3000–3500 grafts, from a denser area of the scalp in a single session, while FUE supplements by harvesting the remaining number of hair grafts, around 1500, from other areas. This technique is ideal for patients requiring a large number of grafts to achieve comprehensive coverage.

The personal experience in implementing this method shows remarkable success rates, particularly for those with extensive hair loss, making it a sought-after hair transplant technique for achieving significant aesthetic improvement in hair transplants.

Which type of Hair transplant procedure is best for you?

Is Hair Transplant Permanent
Selecting the right hair transplant procedure is vital, and the decision involves various variables such as the extent of hair thinning, the quality of your hair follicles, and your lifestyle. Both FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant are prominent techniques used to restore hair density.

FUE transplants involve extracting individual follicles directly from the scalp without a strip of tissue and are less invasive, allowing for a shorter recovery period. This method is ideal for those who prefer to return to regular activities sooner. In contrast, the FUT procedure involves removing a strip of scalp from which FUT grafts are then separated and transplanted. This method can be preferable for achieving higher volumes of grafts in a single session.

Before deciding, a thorough consultation with a skilled surgeon is crucial to discuss your specific needs and evaluate your status as a potential candidate for transplantation. This personalization ensures the selected method aligns well with your expectations and desired outcomes.

Alternatives to hair transplant methods

1. Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (IPRF)

Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (IPRF) offers a compelling alternative to traditional surgical transplants. This treatment leverages the healing properties of the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. The process involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the fibrin from the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Unlike traditional PRP treatments, IPRF does not require the addition of anticoagulants. This maintains a higher concentration of white blood cells and circulating stem cells.

Once injected into the scalp, IPRF releases growth factors slowly over time, promoting natural healing and rejuvenation. This can lead to stimulation of the hair follicles, potentially resulting in thicker, healthier hair growth. Furthermore, this method tends to lead to a more natural hairline. IPRF is considered a natural, minimally invasive treatment option for various types of hair loss, and is often used in conjunction with other hair restoration procedures to enhance results.

2. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy

One increasingly popular treatment for hair loss involves the body’s own healing abilities. Known as PRP Therapy, this process involves drawing blood from the patient, which is then centrifuged to separate the plasma that is enriched with platelets and other components. These elements are key to initiating natural growth factors in the concentrated form that is injected back into the scalp. This method stimulates the follicles to promote new hair growth and strengthens the existing hair. The success of PRP therapy can vary, often requiring multiple sessions for optimal results.

3. Stem cell treatment

Stem cell treatment, a cutting-edge approach in regenerative medicine, is gaining traction as a promising method for restoring hair growth. This technique involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own body, typically from fat or other tissues. After processing these cells to concentrate them, the concentrated stem cells are injected into the scalp where hair loss has occurred. The theory behind stem cell therapy is that these cells will not only rejuvenate existing, inactive hair follicles but also encourage the growth of new hair follicles, potentially leading to hair regrowth.

This promising, emerging method aims to provide more natural, long-lasting results compared to traditional methods. It’s important to note that while stem cell therapy is still in experimental stages, early results are promising. Ongoing research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and establish optimal protocols for long-term outcomes.

4. Hyperbaric oxygen chamber

So how does a hyperbaric oxygen chamber work?

In the quest for non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant procedures, the hyperbaric oxygen chamber emerges as a promising option. Within this treatment, individuals breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. This scenario significantly boosts oxygen levels in the blood, which can aid cell repair and improve overall body functions. Originally used to treat decompression sickness, serious infections, and wounds that fail to heal due to diabetes or radiation injury, this treatment has found new applications in enhancing hair health.

The increased oxygen supply promotes collagen production and reduces inflammation, two factors critical for healthy hair follicles. Moreover, it supports better stem cell mobilization, a function deeply linked to hair growth. The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in supporting thicker hair growth have been widely studied, offering a beacon of hope for those looking to boost their hair’s volume and health without resorting to surgery.


There are primarily three types of hair transplant methods:

  1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): Involves removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head and extracting individual hair follicles to implant in balding areas.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Hair follicles are individually taken from the scalp and transplanted to bald spots.
  3. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): Similar to FUE, but uses a specialized tool to extract and implant hair follicles directly.
The best method depends on individual needs. FUE is less invasive and leaves no linear scars, making it suitable for those who wear their hair short. DHI provides more precise placement of hairs, which might be better for achieving natural-looking density.
FUE is generally considered better than FUT for most patients due to its less invasive nature, quicker recovery time, and absence of a linear scar.
DHI might be better than FUE for those looking for denser hair growth and more natural results as it allows for more precise placement of the hair follicles. However, FUE is less time-consuming and slightly less costly.

The disadvantages of DHI include higher costs, longer procedure times, and the need for highly skilled technicians. It may also lead to more discomfort during recovery compared to other methods.


Yes, DHI is permanent. The transplanted hair generally continues to grow for a lifetime, similar to hair transplanted using other methods. However, it’s essential to consider that the non-transplanted hair can continue to thin and fall out, which may affect the overall appearance.
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